
Showing posts with the label Alberto Manguel

Human is: What Steinbeck and Levi have to say

The courage that Steinbeck writes about is one of physical and moral bravery whereas the strength of character Levi portrays should properly be termed “spiritual” or “existential” valour. The Third of May 1808 , Francisco de Goya 1814 (Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons) e seem of late to be more and more concerned with the question of what makes us human. Perhaps this has to do with the rise of secularism or our angst about machines. But it would seem humans have mulled over this question for a lot longer than we realise (even if not with the same intensity). Aristotle for instance thought that reason was what was so unique about us. We were not only the only species to have the ability to exercise our intellect but are conscious that it is also morally good to do so. In more recent times, the historian   Yuval Noah Harari has steered clear  of reason and morality while holding that what is special about humans is the fact that they are the only animals who can ...

Is prayer a pointless or worthwhile pursuit?

This was originally posted as a "viewpoint" at  Aeon Conversations There are moments in our lives when this avowed disdain for such “self-centred” prayers unravels and sounds like mere intellectual flimflam. This is when reason either deserts us or enervates us with its passionless logic. Entrance to Naiku, Inner Shrine (Shinto), Ise Jingu, Japan (Credit: Author) t Teresa of Avila once explained the various levels of prayer she undertook on her way to divine union. From the bottom level of prayers of devotion and supplication she moved to the next one where her mind gave “a simple consent to become the prisoner of God.” At a higher level, the saint was “drunk with love” and concerned only with the thoughts of God. At the last stage, the saint achieves mystical union with God. In other words, we may begin with prayers for “selfish” reasons and mundane worldly concerns. As we grow spiritually, we lose this obsession with the self and in the end achieve oneness with th...