
Showing posts with the label ding an sich

A fish-eye view of the world

The reality we cook up is quite distinct from what actually exists. By this we also seem to posit that with reality there could be more than one version of the truth: an objective unchanging reality – the Kantian thing-in-itself - ontologically akin to mathematics; and then there is the reality we actually perceive which is subject however to constraints borne of both nature and nurture. W hen I have a camera in my hand I am like one of those small pesky dogs: I snap , snap, snap all the time. But this profligate output rarely translates to good quality. There is always some blemish with my photos: either they are out of focus or the sun is behind the subject - so ill-composed that I cannot even pass it off as a silhouette - or part of the head has been guillotined or, more often than not, a mix of all of these in the same shot. I therefore recently bought myself a DSLR camera in the hope that it will help me with learning to take better pictures. As part of this exercise in self-impr...